
Are Your Behavior Getting in the Way of Your Team's Creativity?

All businesses depend on addition to break advanced and advance in an ever-more-competitive landscape, and all addition begins with a artistic idea. But abounding businesses accept set up behavior that in fact accomplish it harder for humans to appear up with and/or apparatus these basic artistic ideas. Is castigation one of them?

When I was the controlling ambassador of Seattle's account ball TV show, Almost Live!, we had to be artistic every week. That was our job. Now, here's the affair about creativity. It doesn't bite a time clock. Adroitness doesn't activate at 9 and end at 5. Sometimes adroitness happens at 11pm, or at 2 in the morning. But the "policy" at the TV base was that every agent had to ample out a account time sheet, which affected a 9 to 5 schedule. I spent 15 years aggravating to explain to the HR administration that this requirement-the claim that my aggregation plan 9 to 5-was in fact airless the adroitness that was the aspect of the show. And for 15 years, I was unsuccessful. When the base assuredly pulled the bung on the show, the endure affair all of us at the Almost Live! aggregation did was ample out our time sheets.

So what about your organization? Granted, you may not be bearing a account ball TV show, but as a leader, you apperceive that artistic account are basic if you wish to break advanced of the competition. You wish your aggregation to appear up with these artistic account (right?). So let me ask you...

What "policies" does your alignment accept that ability be airless that creativity? What obstacles might, about inadvertently, be in abode that are in fact captivation addition back? For example:

"We consistently acrylic the walls beige." (Even admitting analysis has apparent that the colors dejected and green-especially green-are abundant added accessory to artistic ideas.)

"We'll advice accounts continuing education, but alone if it applies anon to your job responsibilities with the company." (Even admitting the a lot of artistic ideas-the ones the antagonism would never appear up with-are actual generally the aftereffect of an "outside" point of view. To yield just one acclaimed example, area would Apple be if Steve Jobs hadn't taken that calligraphy chic as an undergraduate at Reed College? Still, acceptable for you for acknowledging continuing apprenticeship in the aboriginal place!)

"We accept a bureaucracy here, and all account accept to go through the able channels." (Even though, as Vanderbilt assistant Dave Owens credibility out, the alternation of command usually turns into a "hierarchy of no." This is because artistic account that appear from the "lower" levels of the bureaucracy accept to plan their way up the alternation of command, area anniversary hotlink has the ability to annihilate the idea.)

I animate you, as a leader, to yield few accomplish aback and attending considerately at your behavior and procedures. Are any of them, no amount how well-intentioned, killing your team's artistic account afore they can even get off the ground? If so, you may be killing added than just ideas. You may be killing your organization's future.

QUESTION: What are some added "creativity killers" that you've encountered in your plan experience? Please allotment them in the Comments area so that added leaders can be on the anchor for agnate killers in their own organizations.

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