
The Entrepreneurial Way for Accepting a Job: Break Problems Afore Being Hired What is the purpose of a job?

It depends on the context:

For employees: acquire money, banking security, fulfillment, the charge for contribution, affiliation etc.

For employers: they charge solutions to accustomed problems and responsibilities, charge to accumulate their business moving, serve clients

Overall, you wish the money and the employer wants solutions to problems. This agency if you prove yourself to the anticipation aggregation that you are able to break their problems and responsibilities from a assertive field, department, you will get the job. So, what is the best way to prove this?

The acknowledgment is actual accessible and aswell overlooked: by alms an abstraction to break one of their problems. This is how your abilities become actual and admired assets for the anticipation employer. If you just address them on a section of cardboard (your resume), your abilities become abstruse terms.

Let me accord a claimed example. I went to a aggregation to acquaint them that I noticed a botheration that their audience had and to acquaint them my abstraction how to break it. It took me about 5 account to explain the botheration that I saw and aswell the band-aid for it. After I accomplished talking, the administrator offered me a job on the spot. She showed me the Resumes she had on her board and she said they were searching for candidates. She didn't ask for my resume, she didn't ask me about my studies and neither about my job acquaintance or skills.

Picture this: on the one hand, I was in foreground of the administrator talking about their clients' botheration and my abstraction to break it. On the added hand, there were a agglomeration of Resumes talking about abilities and job experience. Which of them do you anticipate assume added absolute to a anticipation employer? That is why alms a band-aid to a accessible problem, claiming or befalling is added able than appointment your Resume.

The band-aid you will accommodate is alleged a Minimum Viable Band-aid (MVS) because you will use the minimum accessible advice and the minimum bulk of accomplishment in adjustment to accept the adapted impact: accepting a job offer.

That is why your MVS doesn't accept to be perfect. In fact, it is acceptable your abstraction to break a botheration will not to be relevant. What has to be accordant is the botheration you try to solve, not the solution.

There are 2 affidavit why the MVS you accommodate doesn't accept to be relevant:

1. The point for a MVS is for you to clear in a actual comprehensive, abundant address their situation, the challenge, the befalling you see and aswell the action of analytic the problem. In this way, you will allocution about yourself, about your mindset while you airing them through their own reality. It is not an abstruse description as they would apprehend it in a resume (CV). It is about your apperception at plan talking about their challenges, what is important to them. Consequently, they will see you are analytical, competent, accomplished etc. and all the abilities you charge them to see. This is traveling to blow their body actual deeply.

In addition, this gives you the advantage of accession yourself in foreground of them because you advertise yourself in a actual actual way because you will in fact allocution about them: their pain, their business, their administration and their opportunities. So, you should not accept difficulties in allurement the bacon you want.

2. You will not accept all the accordant advice you need. There is consistently inside, clandestine abstracts about the aggregation you wish to plan with that you will never get admission to afore you will get hired. So, they ability accept added important goals or challenges to break that you are not acquainted of. However, by assuming them your mindset and that you are able to access problems in a accordant address to them, you can acclimate your accomplished access to whatever is important to them if you will plan with them.

When you will seek for a botheration that your anticipation aggregation ability have, you accept to accomplish abiding it is something relevant.

A accordant botheration respects 2 criteria:

Clients' satisfaction: This agency that the botheration you analyze is a accepted botheration a part of a lot of of the clients. Or if it doesn't affect audience immediately, by analytic this problem, they will get added amount and/or they will accept a bigger experience. For instance, I acclimated to apprehend actual generally a business buyer talking about a specific argument her audience had. Talking actual generally about this, it meant it was a accepted affair audience acclimated to accept and the employer couldn't overcome. This fabricated me seek for a solution.

Business performance: this agency that the accepted botheration you accept begin has abrogating furnishings on the aggregation or administration performance. If you begin an befalling (not necessarily a problem) than it should accomplish the accepted bearings better. It can be annihilation that can: access productivity, the amount of customers, the revenue, the amount of humans that break employed, account movements, paying added bills/hour, accession money, shipment articles faster, etc.

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